Men In Black International is the fourth installment of the MIB franchise. Gone are the two male super alien fighting agents and in their place are Agent M, played by the Tessa Thompson (Dear White People) and Chris Hemsworth (Thor, Justice League, Infinity Wars) as Agent H. The result is a fresh new look and feel to the MIB movies sci-fi fans have come to know and love.
In MIB International, Agent M witnessed aliens as a child while her parents were neutralized by MIB Agents. This pushed her on a life long quest to become a MIB agent no matter what. She is assigned by Agent O (Emma Thompson) to an international case and is sent to London where she is teamed up with Agent H.
The two take on the mission to catch a shape shifting set of evil twins.
Men In Black International has scored over $63 million to date. It is an entertaining movie sci-fi fans are going to love and its one you can take your whole family to enjoy. So be sure and check it out.
Black Chic At The Movies rating: