Say Amen, Somebody, a treasured gospel documentary has been restored and is on a limited run in theaters. And believe me, it is a must see. The 1982 release was directed by George T. Nierenberg (GTN Productions) and redone in 4k restored to visual glory by Milestone Films for our joy to experience in 2019. The one-hour plus documentary is a love letter to gospel music with all of its ups, downs, shameful sexism and soul saving properties. But all in all, it is heavenly to watch.
Filmed partly in St. Louis, Say Amen, Somebody recently played at the Film Lincoln Center. It’s run in St. Louis ends Thursday, September 19 at the Galleria 6 Cinemas. Check the theater for show times. There will be a red carpet screening of Say Amen, Somebody on the final day in St. Louis, this Thursday, at 6p.m. CT, presented by the Inspired Lives foundation, The Butler Group and C-Note Entertainment. Tickets for this are just $7.
Say Amen, Somebody is told through the eyes and lives of its two primary legendary gospel figures, the “Father of Gospel,” Thomas A. Dorsey of Chicago and St. Louisan, Mother Willie Mae Ford Smith. These two icons, both deceased now, tell the history of gospel and the integral part they played in helping to shape it in the early days as gospel grew from its base of spiritual-religious music confined within the four walls of the church to the successful feel-good, foot stomping, minister-to-your spirit, inspiring genre with a beat that makes you want to dance, scream and shout, the world would later embrace.
Mother Willie Mae Ford Smith talks in the film about all the flack she received for performing gospel music and how certain churches did not want them bringing that “rag-time music, coon shine stuff” into their sanctuaries. She even mentions how she started wearing robes to cover her body when she performed because the men were admiring her hips!
Packed with live performances of gospel classics like “Jesus Dropped The Charges” by the O’Neal Twins” and “I’m His Child”

Gospel singer and film star of Say Amen, Somebody sings “I’m Happy” in the restored 1982 classic gospel documentary. Photo courtesy of Milestone Films.
performed by Zella Jackson Price, the G rated film also stars Thomas A. Dorsey’s business partner and singer, Sallie Martin, The Barrett Sisters (Delois Barrett Campbell, Billie Barrett Greenbey and Rodessa Barrett Porter), The O’Neal Twins (Edgar and Edward O’Neal), Zella Jackson Price, Michael Keith Smith, Billy Smith, Jackie Jackson and Bertha Smith.
Say Amen, Somebody takes viewers inside churches, conventions and the homes of its subjects to give an intimate look at how and why these devoted souls did what they did for gospel and whom they sang about, Jesus Christ. So, you will see shouting in the spirit, hand clapping, scenes where the women are not treated equally in gospel and in their personal lives while they struggled to deliver souls through their fiery brand of gospel music.
Don’t miss this historic film in all of its restored magnificence, in St. Louis through Thursday, September 19. Next stop, Chicago, Say Amen, Somebody!